Writing Over the Years

Alexa, Zach, Samantha, and Alison
From approx 1987 to the present

Thursday, February 3, 2011

To Seth on the occasion of his 30th birthday

The 30th year is when men get serious and
re-examine the hopes and dreams of their 20s.
Realizing their lifedreams are not entirely
on course is often wildly shocking.
Hopefully, the shock, combined with new maturity,
results in greater leadership, well-grounded wisdom,
and more realistic and meaningful goals.
And, if the 30 year-old man decides to
truly follow Jesus, he will will begin
to resemble a servant-king and find his life empty
of the non-essential but full of timeless treasures!

May the treasures of heaven find their way into your pockets
and may you have a year of significance!