Since sin taints the whole world I should not be surprised to learn that one of my favorite Christian institutions has a false foundation. I loved this institution because I believed it was founded and guided by biblical truths; but, recent events and an unfolding drama involving someone I love have revealed that the operating principle is, instead, perception. "Perception?!" was my initial reaction to the eye-opening course of events I had been observing: "Perception" is what matters? Seems "Perception" is a top-marketing concept but if it conflicts with "The Truth" to me it then appears to be more of a tool of Satan!.
I'm a simple person and my faith in a Sovereign Omnipotent Creator God is simple: the Bible says it, I believe it, because of Jesus. I know that if my life were examined there would be evidence to the contrary; I hope I am living by faith alone more today than yesterday though, and I think I definitely am. I know God so much more: I hope to know Him more every day! But my faith is in Him and not in myself. May none of us ever "market" ourselves as anything other than sinners saved by grace!
This is the crux of the problem our family is suffering with - Marketing princples rather than Biblical principles have undermined the sure foundation we depended on when our child stepped out into the world of Christian academia! The rug has been pulled out from under our feet and we are in freefall heading for a crash -- NO! For.......
Ps. 55:22 ....for the LORD will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
1 Peter 5:6-7 .....the mighty hand of God... will exalt you .... at the proper time.... cast all your anxiety upon him