Writing Over the Years

Alexa, Zach, Samantha, and Alison
From approx 1987 to the present

Sunday, March 1, 1998

Ltr to the Editor of Focus on the Family's "Plugged In" magazine

Dear Plugged In,

I have seen many articles about the "dangers of the internet" and I agree that it certainly can be risky to stroll through. On the other hand, tt can also be dangerous to walk down a street at night or even into a mall -- children have been kidnapped right in a middle of a huge mall filled with people. The world is full of deceit and evils. So does that mean that we should never go out where there are people? Does that mean we should never go anywhere with anyone because they might be danger in disguise? Does that mean we should completely alienate ourselves from others so that we won't take the risks anything bad happening? Of course not! In your article you totally dismiss chat rooms and discussion groups as completely dangerous and state, "NEVER go into a chat room and NEVER EVER meet anyone you meet online."
Yes, it's true that there have been some terrible things happen online, but you fail to mention that there is a very wonderful side to the 'net as well. It's not all a dark, frightening world of bad-guys, liars, and evil. The Light of God's people can shine across the web just as bright.
The internet has been a huge blessing to me and some of the people I've met online have been the most wonderful, sweet, caring, Christians who have helped me so much in my walk through this life. Through a personal Christian chat room for the CCM artist Point of Grace (created by one of my now-closest friends who I've gotten together with several times) many Christian teens (and even adults and young children) have found much-needed love and fellowship that is just so hard to get other places. Those who are lonely have found a place in this chat where they can fit in and be cared about and loved. They find people willing to listen and encourage them to stay strong. They find people who will cry with them, laugh with them and grow with them. Over the internet you can really get to know someone better than in real life because you are not judged by looks, but by what you say and believe. It is easier to write than to try and explain aloud how you are feeling sometimes and very close accountability-relationships can develop. There, in fact, has even been a couple who met in the chat who are now engaged and it has worked out wonderfully. Being homeschooled, I don't have people around me to pick me up when I'm down. But I can count on a close circle of Christian friends online to be there for me. It really is a "circle of friends."
I'm not saying that there are no problems with the net or that you shouldn't be cautious and think ahead for there certainly are some bad people out there, but aren't there everywhere? Everywhere we go we need to be on guard. Sometimes it seems that the world (wide web) is so wrong. But let's not forget that there are GOOD people out there as well. Good people, everywhere, God's people.

"I spent so many lonely years just trying to fit in,
Now i've found my place in this circle of friends!"

Alexa Weber

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