Writing Over the Years

Alexa, Zach, Samantha, and Alison
From approx 1987 to the present

Monday, May 19, 2008

Brio Girl Contest 2000

B r i o G i r l E n t r y F o r m 2000
Name: Alexa Nicole Weber Age: 15 Birth Date: 11/20/83
Address: 155 Spohn Rd. City: Freeport State: PA Zip: 16229
Phone: (724) 295-0628

Hobbies and Interests: Since this past summer when I went to the Dominican Republic with Teen Mania, I’ve been turned on to missions and world cultures. Evangelism and the following the Great Commission is my biggest interest, both here and around the world. I enjoy graphics arts/design and designing professional websites for buisnesses and for myself, past sites include the definitive Point of Grace Newsstand and my Teen Mania webpage (http://members.xoom.com/teenmaniac/). I love to worship God and I love praise and worship music. I also enjoy drawing and sketching, playing piano and keyboard, writing Christian articles, non-competitive gymnastics, drama, being an encourager/counselor to my friends and ministering online, and sharing God’s love in every way that I can.

Church Attending: Christ Community Evangelical Free
Pastor’s Name: Jeff Youell

Favorite Scripture and Why: 2 Corinthians 4:7
Although I am nothing but a simple clay vessel, fragile and easily broken, God has chosen to put His great treasure in me, which is so humbling. This verse reminds me that my life should be a reflection of GOD’S power and GOD’S glory, that when people look at me they do not see ME, a cracked up pot, but they should see God in all His glory. I should not seek my own glory in anything that I do, but rather let Christ shine through me.

School Attending: Homeschool School Activities: Youth Group Leadership/Planning team, accountability/discipleship group mentor in Sunday AM youth, writing for our church newsletter, “The Sower,” ThinkQuest web design competition project entitled “Culture Shock - an interactive Exploration of World Cultures,” Written and Illustrated By... creative writing/art competition (5th year), Holocaust Seminar/Art Competition (4th year), American High School Math Exam (2nd year), PA Homeschooler’s Writing Club (5th year), Girl Scouts (working towards Gold Award, 10th year), Homeschoolers French Club. Although I have resigned from my Point of Grace website after realizing that I needed to refocus more completely on God, I still write Bible studies for Grace Notes, my Point of Grace Unofficial Email Newsletter, sharing with over 1,000 subscribers insights on “living as points of God’s grace.”

Favorite Musical Artist: the Newsboys because they challenge teens to get serious for God and their music serves as a reminder to me to “look up, cause the world looks on”

Community Service Projects You’ve Participated In: Teen Mania missions trips to the Dominican Republic (‘98) and Haiti (Christmas ‘98), Agape Farm’s (home of Creation festival) work weekends throughout the year as well as setup and teardown at Creation CCM festival, Compassion International child sponsor, Carnegie Science Center teen voulenteer, church set up and tear down team (we meet in the YMCA and set up chairs and tables and so on every week), leading Sunday morning worship, food drives for Light of Life ministries, Sunday School teen assistant, Random Acts of Kindness “Blitz” day,

Career or Domestic Ambition: I’d like to work in some field of graphics arts, but God knows the plans He has for me and my desire is to go wherever He leads and do whatever He calls me to do.

Favorite Family Activity and Why:

As a Christian teen, what is one thing you’d change about today’s youths and why?
Everything was created for a reason. As the Sunday School song says, “God made birds to fill the skies . . . but we were made to love the Lord.” Today hosts a generation of young people who have lost their purpose and their vision. This generation has even been termed, “Generation X,” a generation that doesn’t stand for anything. They have turned away from Jesus and have lost sight of the Savior. Until you find a cause worth dying for, you’re not really living. Life without purpose is more tragic than death. Everyone hungers to find the meaning of life. Teens try to quench their purpose- hunger with drugs, alcohol, “love” at any cost, sinking them deeper into despair which often leads to tragic suicide and violent behavior. After all, without purpose, life loses the precious, priceless worth that God made it to have; life becomes cheap. If I could change one thing about today’s youths, it would be that they would once again find hope, purpose and meaning in life. Ultimately, it would be that they would find Jesus. We were made to love the Lord.

What’s been a significant moment in your personal walk with Christ?
Love the Lord Your God with ALL your HEART, SOUL, MIND and STRENGTH. A year ago, I was really into Christian music. I talked about it, did websites about it, thought about it, read about it -- you get the idea. I was in over my head, yet I did not want to admit it. Following an Acquire the Fire youth conference, my youth group got together and had a bonfire. On this fire we were to lay down a symbol of anything that captured our hearts more than God, as if laying it down for God to consume. I lay down my love for CCM. Little did I know that I was preparing my heart for a radical life-change. When I surrended my heart COMPLETELY to God, He filled my life like never before. The day after laying down my heart on that “alter,” I felt renewed. I realized what it meant to give God my WHOLE heart. Now, God’s love has become everything to me, He is my life. My time, my all belongs to Him and I want to commit everything to Him -- all my heart, strength, mind, and soul. My heart belongs to Jesus.

If Jesus was coming to speak at your school assembly, what topic would you want Him to address and why?
Having been homeschooled my entire life, I don’t exactly HAVE a school assembly and have been somewhat sheltered from seeing the struggles that my peers face. Yet there is one thing that I do see in the eyes of my peers, in myself, and in everyone. We all want to be loved. We all want to feel like we belong.

Share with us when you became a Christian and how you’ve seen God at work in your life.
Though I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 3, it was not until I entered my teen years that what Jesus did became a reality to me. We had just moved and I was lonely and worn out by school and somewhat visionless. Then, I read in Brio’s “God said, I said” that God wants “even ONE girl” who is willing to follow Him no matter what the cost. I wanted to be that girl! I tried hard to obey God in everything, but the harder I tried, the more I realized how often I failed. Desparation set in. One evening, while sitting on my bed crying, the song, “I’ll Lead You Home” came on my radio. “Let it go and turn it over to the One who chose to give His life for you.” I suddenly realized that Jesus didn’t want me to hold onto my sins and burdens. HE DIED SO THAT I COULD LET THEM GO. I felt as though a burden had been lifted right off of my shoulders. I was free. God has blessed me so much and has become my life’s foundation. I see a little more of Him day by day.

“We are taking every thought captive to the obedience of God - 2 Cor. 10:5
Grace Homeschool (since 1989)

STUDENT: Alexa Weber GRADE: 9th
GPA (estimate based on records): 3.98

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