Writing Over the Years

Alexa, Zach, Samantha, and Alison
From approx 1987 to the present

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Can You Picture That?

Alexa Weber Andrzejewski
CEO, Foodspotting

See the full article with pictures!

In building my first startup, Foodspotting, I’ve realized that I’ve been given an incredible gift: For the first time in my life as a User Experience designer, I’ve found that if I can picture something, my team can make it real. Coming from the consulting world, where my designs rarely saw the light of day, this newfound power has been refreshing. But with great power comes great responsibility, because I’ve also found the reverse to be true: If I can’t picture something, chances are it won’t happen. And thus I’ve realized that diligently cultivating and communicating a concrete vision to my team is the most important thing I can do as a startup founder and CEO.

Some of the best things that happened in 2010 were vision-driven:
(Now, go to the link to read the story of the *creation* of Foodspotting!"

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Shadows and Dust

Shadows and Dust
by Samantha Weber April 2011

Shadows and Dust; Immortal soul
From dust he came and to dust he returned.
He disappeared in late April;
...Showers of tears cover me now.

Standing on the mountaintop,
Staring at the splendor of the blue-glass lake
That reflects Your enchanting beauty
He fell from the heights of earth into Your open arms.

Returning to me in a flag-draped coffin
His homecoming was three days early.
My emotions now recollected in tranquility
Find my soul still cold, my heart still numb.

But as I laid his lifeless body in the ground
And on his tombstone wrote:
Shadows and Dust; Immortal Soul
I remember this is not goodbye; this is just see you later.

Blog Post Comment on GOP Fantasy Team

Listening to Dr. Krauthammer at the PLC, his opinion re the 2012 elections that seemed most significant to me was that the GOP must run a high profile message rather than a high profile personality. Herman Cain is attractive to conservatives primarily because he has the message (see hermancain.com). The GOP has the potential to start off on a losing track if the candidates' debates focus on anything other than returning the country to the basic principles that made her great. (Sam Rohrer Sat morning at the PLC gave a tutorial on what "the message" is. Key points included "principle over pragmatism" and "protecting individual freedom.")

Comment on PA Patriot Blog Post - GOP Fantasy Team 2012 by Lowman D.Henry

Do Not Pay for What You Do Not Want

When you go out shopping, do you write out a check for things you do not want? Neither do I. With shopping we get choices, I can buy a satiny red dress or a blue tailored suit, designer jeans or a linen skirt. And I don't write out the check until I have made my choice!. Applying the same strategy to political campaigns, I want to make my choice on the Republican Primary ballot, before I write out my check. My choice, however, is worthless if the State Committee through its endorsement policy has already chosen for me and my check has paid for something I didn't want and cannot return! So, no more checks to the State Committee until voters get to do their own choosing!

Published @ Reform The PA GOP