Writing Over the Years

Alexa, Zach, Samantha, and Alison
From approx 1987 to the present

Friday, February 13, 2015

A Humbling Trust by sammweber

A Humbling Trust

Trust will not give itself to us unless we are first rid of self and resolved that it shall suffice us. “ – Sertillanges
This idea of approaching trust with humility was completely novel to me.  By that, I mean that I had just never thought about this idea in these words. I have, on the other hand, seen it in action.  The entire Christian life requires a person to approach ultimate trust with a humble heart.  In order to be saved, a person must accept that they cannot save themselves and that only by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross are they redeemed.  I’ve always heard the saying “In order to find Christ, you must lose yourself.”  This means that in order to completely trust God, one must take themself out of the picture and be resolved that it will suffice.
The Christian life is not easy, in fact, sometimes it is just plain difficult.  It is a very easy thing to say “I will trust God in the good times and in the bad,” but it is a much more difficult task to actually do it.  God engineers all of our circumstances and often times uses our trials to bring us back to Him.  We are reminded in these times that we cannot will ourselves to be more diligent at work, or to be a better friend or teammate.  These hard times, instead, reveal our dependency on God and force us to humble ourselves as we trust in His plan for our lives.
sammweber | October 17, 2011 at 1:24 am |

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