Writing Over the Years

Alexa, Zach, Samantha, and Alison
From approx 1987 to the present

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Note to President GW Bush on his 62nd birthday

(Another piece I wrote that I'm not at all sure I actually sent!)

Dear Mr. President:  Thank you for being our President.  I and my family have supported you from the beginning and prayed for you throughout your term in office with thanksgiving.  We felt secure with you at the helm to have peace when our son decided to go into the Air Force and he was pleased to serve under your leadership.   He never had a dangerous assignment; although he wanted to go into Iraq, the timing of his duty kept him at Aviano AFB working in avionics on the F-16s.  Unfortunately, he did not make it home but had a tragic fall in the Italian Alps at Lake Barcis two days before coming home.  (Hard to make up stuff like this, but that’s what actually happened.)  It’s okay though, he touched more people’s lives with a lived-out-gospel than most of us ever do and we believe his life was predetermined by a good and loving God to be exactly 21 years.   And that same God watches over you.  I hope that like Asaph in Psalm 73, that though you see wickedness and the unrighteous prospering all around you, that when you draw near to God, you know that in the end everything will be set right! 

We wish you a most joyous 62nd birthday and that the best years of your life are yet to come.  Thank you again for your service!

Alison (Mrs. James O.) Weber


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