Writing Over the Years

Alexa, Zach, Samantha, and Alison
From approx 1987 to the present

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sam on Making the Region 1 Team and How She Got This Far

Csaba – You first trained me when I was 9 down at PISA’S premier program and you were the first to show me how to play the flat back four when I was 11 in ODP.
Chet – I truly credit much of at Region 1 to your training w/me this year in ODP and the good start you gave me down at PISA when I was 9.
Rytel – Besides your expertise, you have offered me trustworthy advice many times and have just made me feel “special” by making yourself and Gail available when I needed you!

Sean – You’ve invested so much time in me, known me so well, pushed me to be my best, and taught me just about everything I know.  Whatever I achieve, it’s because you’ve been right beside me.

Reuben –  Working with your 91 ODP girls in 2005, I learned many things  from you, especially “toe down”   -- a simple thing but so important!

Mr. Eckman – You gave me some of my love for soccer through your wonderful positive attitude and by making soccer so much fun and taking me on into the more competitive 3v3 events.

Mr. Boroski – You were the one who led the way into unknown areas for me – pointing me to cup soccer, 3v3, leader center, and even ODP.   You and Kelly taught me the basics and without you, I might have never gotten out of Freeport.

Denny  - I first heard of Beadling when I was about 10 and asked my coach to explain what cup soccer was.  He picked up a touchline and showed me pictures of Beadling teams – all of whom had just won their State Cups.  He said if there was any way to get to Beadling that was what I should do.  It’s been worth the trip!

Erik – When you told me you had a “good feeling” I didn’t really pay much attention, but I’m really glad you did!

Thanks for leading our team to do the things necessary to be able to play in the Director’s League and enabling me to improve my speed of play and decision-making.  I couldn’t play at the regional level without it.
Mr. Lusby – “Check in, check out” ring any bells? That is only one of the many things I’ve learned from you.  You’ve taught me a lot about winning and losing and “wanting” it more than the other team. 
Dan Obremsky – You made me “look” like a soccer player and an elite athlete.  I mean competitive athletes cannot run around the field all hump shouldered the way I was before starting your awesome speed and agility program.  
PS – I can’t wait to start it again.

Chris Brown – To be perfectly honest, I absolutely hated learning footskills and dribbling around in a box doing moves.   Today, I recognize how important that early training was and I am so thankful that you started that program back here at PAWest when I was 9.

Tommy Geis – I think you were the first coach to introduce me to anything close to “real soccer.”   Although I felt I had to leave the team, I’ve always known you taught me a lot of the basics and introduced me to the tactical part of the game.  

Jay Burpee – Your encouragement to me has really meant a lot.

Brian Shrum – ODP is such a puzzle and it was a struggle to figure it out, but there are things you explained to me that first year that I have always remembered.  Thanks for getting me started.

Keystone Rehab – What could I have done without you guys!   You always got all my moving parts back to working order!

Lyn Kirkland – Your encouragement has meant a lot to me over the years and I appreciated your bringing me out to play with your boys from time to time and just share the love of soccer.

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