Writing Over the Years

Alexa, Zach, Samantha, and Alison
From approx 1987 to the present

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Color Poems

Colorful Poems


Samantha Weber


Brown looks like my Brownie Troop 712,
around a campfire
Brown tastes like hot chocolate, after sledding
Brown smells like chocolate brownies, baking
Brown sounds like wood chips flying
from Daddy’s chainsaw
Brown feels warm on my back
from burning leaves in fall


Green looks like a four-leaf clover on St. Patrick’s Day
Green tastes like boiled spinach
Green smells like the Christmas tree in our living room
Green sounds like crunchy celery sticks
Green feels like the soft sage my mother cuts to dry


White looks like an Arabian stallion, long mane and tail sailing behind him
White smells like the first slice of turkey on Thanksgiving
White tastes like marshmallows, crisp-burnt on the outside, gooey inside
White feels like a snowball made of frozen slush
White sounds like piano keys, 52, no flats or sharps, please!


Yellow looks like the cathedral of golden light under our maple trees in fall
Yellow feels like the rind of a lemon
Yellow smells like vanilla flavoring when we’re baking sugar cookies at Christmas
Yellow tastes like birthday cake
Yellow sounds like gold finches fussing over thistle seed


Blue smells like hot blueberry pie
Blue looks like a clear sky on a summer day
Blue tastes like homemade blueberry jam on my fingers
Blue sounds like our State flag flapping in the wind
Blue feels like my favorite blue jeans


Purple looks like clusters of fake rubbery grapes
we keep in our white fruit basket
Purple smells like the lilac bush in our backyard
Purple feels like a velvet winter dress
Purple sounds like Easter music, songs that tell of
Jesus’ resurrection, according to my family
But it used to sound like, “I love you, you love me
we’re a happy fam-i-ly”


Red looks like strawberries in green plastic baskets
fresh from the grocery store
Red smells like rose petals I crush to make perfume
Red tastes like cherries, without the seeds
Red feels like my long warm robe after my shower
Red sounds like jingle bells strung with red ribbon.

Copyright by Samantha Weber
November 28, 2000

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