Writing Over the Years

Alexa, Zach, Samantha, and Alison
From approx 1987 to the present

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The spoof assignment

Writing Club Assignment Due on January 8, 1999

Think about a well-known character from a book or story that you like and that you think others will probably be familiar with.

Now, this character is going to be applying for something-- for a job, for college, for some sort of volunteer work, whatever you decide. The position may be wildly unsuitable for your character-- such as the Big Bad Wolf applying to work in a Day Care Center, or Wilbur from Charlotte's Web applying to Harvard University. Do some brainstorming, and have fun with thinking of various possibilities. Your character now needs to write an application essay for this position. Typically application essays ask a person to answer one of the following types of questions:

1) Tell us something about yourself which will help us get to know you better.

2) Please describe some special interest, experience, or achievement.

3) Describe a change you have noticed in your surroundings or in yourself.

4) Tell us how you see yourself in ten years.

5) How would you change the education you have had to date?

6) Share with us the most difficult thing you have ever accomplished.

7) Please share with us how your thoughts about the future relate to your choice of college major.

8) What accomplishment has given you the most satisfaction and why?

9) Discuss your readiness for this job position by sharing about your past experiences in similar lines of work.

10) Share why you think you will be able to contribute to this university.

11) Describe a person who has influenced you and tell us why.

12) Why do you want this job? Why do you want to attend this college?

Make sure that your character writes in character-- that is, that it really sounds like your character speaking, and brings out your character's personality, foibles (that means weaknesses...), quirks, oddities, or whatever. We'll both try to guess who your character is, AND try to decide if he or she will get accepted. Be sure to tell us what position or college is being applied for!!

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