Writing Over the Years

Alexa, Zach, Samantha, and Alison
From approx 1987 to the present

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Rock-climbing Gymn

My Pastor harnessed me up and I walked over to the first wall and started to climb up, rock by rock. My mom belayed me, that means she held the rope that went to my harness that would keep me from falling if I slipped. It was easy and I wasn’t afraid. When I got to the top there was a horn and I honked it a couple times. Then I came down. I loved to go to my Pastor’s climbing gym in Apollo. Besides the walls to climb, there were two ropes that hung from the ceiling that I could swing on. Plus there were 3 cats to pet and sometimes even feed; they were very shy. The best thing though was being with Amy my Pastor’s daughter—my best friend. Sometimes we had snacks; we might even have ice cream. There were always lots of kids there.

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